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Teaching practice

Community projects

The Finglas Youth Resource Centre
Since 2010 I have been a member of the Finglas Youth Resource Centre (FYRC) and have contributed to the organisation through the arts for many years. Having participated in music groups, Art and craft workshops, local events organising, summer projects, leadership programs, etc., I have happily engaged as both a member and volunteer to help, facilitate a wide variety of groups and give back to the young people in my community.
I have designed posters for local bands, painted murals and canvas to display in the centre, decorated and created props for holidays and events, shared my skills as an experienced face painter and facilitated many art and craft workshops over the years.
The Finglas Art Squad
In 2009 I first became involved with the Finglas Art Squad by participating in the After school teenage club. In 2013, I then returned to gain experience in teaching art and crafts by assisting the art facilitators with their various groups and projects. I was given the opportunity to assistant teach young children, adolescents, disabilities groups, and the elderly in the community. Through this experience I have developed a deeper understanding of the needs and creative supports of a multitude of people, in adapting the activates to the different interests, levels, and abilities. I have acquired valuable experience and a strong skill set in teaching and facilitating a wide variety of groups.
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